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Wyświetlanie postów z 2012

Photoshoot - Soft Rock (fot. Ada Binkowska)

Reserved sweater, sh pants, Zara boots, Parfois necklace. This is it. Photos from photo shoot with my friend Ada Binkowska. I really like that. I like the background: nature versus human activity, I like the effect that we've achieved, simple but with a part of myself. Big thanks to Ada! Of course, this is some of the pictures, maybe one day I'll show you the other. xoxo Iz

Austria Diary 5

The last photos from Austria. Now I'm home and I'm really glad. My next three weekends will be very crazy. I can't wait :) Hope you enjoy your holidays. xoxo Iz

Austria Diary 4

Zdjęcia z trasy alpejskiej. Najpiękniejsza droga panoramiczna w Alpach o długości 48 km wiedzie przez Park Narodowy Wysokie Taury do stóp najwyższej góry Austrii i do lodowca. Ulica wije się serpentyną o 36 zakrętach, osiągając w najwyższym punkcie 2.504m n.p.m. Photos of Alpine routes. The most beautiful panoramic road in the Alps with a length of 48 km leads through the Hohe Tauern National Park to the foot of the highest mountain in Austria and to the glacier. Street serpentine twists of 36 turns, reaching the highest point above sea level 2.504m

Austria Diary 3

Photos of the laser show in Zell am See. It was really nice and warm night with a clear sky. I've seen something similar in Wroclaw but it was the fountain not on the like. The whole show was accompanied by great music. xoxo Iz

Austria Diary 2

Sunny days are gone but this is not the reason to sit back at the hotel. I don't like touring to much but some new interesting places are nice to see ( of course when it is not another church). Today pics from Salzburg. xoxo Iz

Austria Diary 1

I decided to publish some pics from my holiday in Austria. I wasn't too pleased for that trip but is not so bad ;p and the main attraction Krimmier Waterfall I'm sitting on a goat - hahahahaha :D:D xoxo  Iz